A car accident can be a traumatic experience in many ways. There’s the physical trauma of injury and the psychological impact of such a frightening experience. The legal and insurance complications can be a source of tremendous stress and anxiety, while the financial damage you may incur can leave you feeling desperate.
Depression and lack of sleep may result as the financial burden of paying repair bills or a deductible, facing higher insurance rates, and possibly a loss of income hit home. In many cases, recovering from the physical effects of a car crash is less devastating than the financial toll it takes on you and your family. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by it all, but you’re not alone. Many have gone through a car crash and its aftermath and gone on to achieve a full financial recovery. It’s important to be thorough and go step by step as you dig your way out of trouble.
Methodical and diligent
It’s hard when it feels like everything’s working against you, but you need to take a little time to think through your situation and resolve your most pressing logistical problems first. If your car has been totaled, figure out how you’ll get to work – using up sick or vacation days and possibly losing pay won’t help your situation. See if someone can provide transportation to and from work for a while, or public transport may be an option. And be sure to check your auto insurance policy, which may cover the cost of a rental car for a while. You’ll also need to file an insurance claim right away so your carrier can begin to investigate and determine how to proceed with your case.
Consider legal action
Depending on the severity of the accident and the extent of your losses, financial recovery may require you to seek compensation from the other party if he or she was at fault. This is absolutely necessary if medical bills start piling up and an extended recovery time leads to lost wages. Auto insurance is a legal requirement, so the other driver (or drivers) should have policies that will compensate for your losses and damages. If you have any doubts or questions about your legal options, consult an attorney.
Working with your insurer
Dealing with an insurance company after an accident can be confusing and frustrating. Details and reports take some time but they’re important, so try to keep patient through all the back and forth with your agent and adjuster. Above all, be honest. Lying to your insurer is against the law and it can make your situation go from bad to worse very quickly. Never admit you’re in the wrong if you aren’t sure, because there may be other factors that could absolve you of any wrongdoing. See a doctor before you talk to anyone about an injury claim so you can gauge how strong your case might be. Also, be aware that you may be required to see a physician who’s affiliated with the insurance company.
Under the influence
Symptoms of drug and alcohol use include risk-taking behavior, slowed reaction times and the need for more of the substance to achieve the usual effect. Individuals found driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol face fines numbering in the thousands of dollars, license suspension and, in some cases, incarceration. Repeat offenders can go to jail for months, sustain fines, lose their driver’s license and incur rapidly mounting legal debt. The national average cost of DUI is $10,000. Consult an attorney experienced in DUI cases if you have been charged.
Navigating the legal and insurance systems is complicated and can take time. Many people find it intimidating. Remember that hiring experienced legal representation is important if you are to protect your rights and financial resources.
Courtesy of Pixabay.com.